The Creator:
I hate writing about myself, so just check out my portfolio site instead:

You can also contact me at
The Comic:
Pixel Chat is a webcomic about old video games. It's also a webcomic about people reaching a turning point in their lives, hitting a certain age and scrambling to piece together the scraps of their youth and give themselves some sense of meaning and purpose.
But I suppose that's a tad boring, and more than a little depressing, so let's stick with the whole "bleep-bloopity games" angle. I grew up playing video games. 90% of my most vivid memories, most visceral experiences with the medium occured in my youth. I don't hold that against modern gaming, but why would I want to write about and draw the "Game of the Week™" when there's a whole treasure trove of obscure, antiquated characters that I grew up loving and can excavate, brush off and shape into my own unique vision?
Notice the correlation between paragraphs 1 and 2?
Gaming, being so intrinsically tied to technology, was really the first commercial art medium subject to Moore's Law, where every 6 months a bigger, better, prettier version of "ZOMG TEH BEST GAEM EVAR!!1!!!11" is/was sure to come and make the once-orgasmic seem downright pedestrian. Old games look, feel and sound old, and the result is a vast graveyard of titles only remembered by those who were "in the moment".
So, Pixel Chat is a webcomic about when the moment has passed. It's also a webcomic about me trying to draw funny pictures and distill my weird sense of humor into stuff approaching "jokes". Enjoy the show! |